
Principles enshrined in the Investment Law

Institutional Framework 

The New Investment Law specifies that the bodies in charge of investment in Algeria are:

· The National Investment Council (NIC): Responsible for providing strategic advice on investment, ensuring its overall coherence and assessing its implementation

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AIPA), which replaces the National Investment Development Agency (ANDI), is a public institution entrusted with the information, facilitation, assistance, incentives management and investment follow-up 

mission undertaken by nationals or foreigners in the various economic activities.  It basically acts as « a genuine promoter and guide for investors. » For more information Click here

Investment One-Stop Shops

Set up by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, the one-stop shops function as investment service centres at national and local levels.  They cover administrative authorities and various investment-related functions such as taxation, customs, trade registration, environmental services, urban planning, etc.


The OneStopShop 

A single interlocutor with national competence, responsible for support mission of accomplishment of all the necessary steps for the realisation of major projects and foreign investments equal to or greater than 12 billion DA. The One-stop-shop deals also with investments with capital wholly or partially held by foreign natural or legal persons, benefiting from the guarantee of transfer of invested capital (repatriation) and the income derived from it.

Investments other than those mentioned above are handled by decentralized single desks

Incentive Systems

Various investment incentives are available during the realization and operation phases of the investment.

Sectoral System

Investments in the following areas of activity are eligible for incentive regime:


The list of activities that are not eligible to benefit from the specific advantages is determined under the title of Sectors Systems in accordance with Executive Decree No. 22-300 of 8 September 2022. The lists of activities, goods and services not eligible for benefits and the minimum funding thresholds for the benefit of the transfer guarantee are defined in this regulation.

Sectorial System


The incentive system for the regions to which the state attaches
special importance. 


Benefit period: Three (03) years renewable for two additional years.

Sectorial System 

Benefit period: from three (3) years to five (5) years, starting from the date on which the exploitation was initiated.

Zone System

The list of activities that are not eligible to benefit from the advantages specified under the title of the Regions System is determined in accordance with Executive Degree No. 22-300 of 8 September 2022. This regulation sets out the lists of activities, goods and services not eligible to benefit from the advantages, as well as the minimum limits of funding to take advantage of the financing to benefit from the transfer guarantee.

Zone System

Benefit period: Five (5) years, renewable for two additional years

Zone System

Benefit period: from five (5) years to ten (10) years from the date of commencing the exploitation

Structured Investment System

The criteria for the qualification of beneficial investments are set out in the “Structured Investment System”, in accordance with Executive Decree No. 22-302 of 8 September 2022. The decree sets out the criteria for the qualification of structured investments and how to benefit from the advantages of exploitation and evaluation networks.

Structured Investment System

Benefit period: Five (5) years extendable for additional years.

NB: The benefits of the realisation stage may be transferred to the parties contracting with the beneficiary investor, who are charged with the realisation of the investment, for the latter’s account. 

Structured Investment System

Benefit period: from five (5) years to ten (10) years from the date of commencement of exploitation. 

Additional motivation: Structured investments may benefit from the support of the State by taking part or in full charge of the preparatory work and the basic facilities necessary for the realisation, on the basis of an agreement between the investor and the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency.