Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Algeria’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector is dynamic and serves as the pillar of the country’s digital transformation program in different sectors, including transport and logistics, financial services, industry and manufacturing, health and customer service.

The country has prioritised IT and ICT enhancement as a cornerstone of the national plan to become a regional technological leader, creating an electronic manufacturing hub in North Africa by expending local manufacturing of ICT equipment, such as mobile phones, home appliances, and audio equipment.

To accompany sectoral growth and move the economy forward, the state has provided substantial investment in the recent rollout of key ICT infrastructure and introduced a series of new reforms and regulations.


The country’s infrastructure primarily relies on 3G and 4G LTE for mobile telecommunications and ADSL and fiber for fixed telecommunications, however, with nearly 200,000 km of fiber optic cable laid by 31 December 2021, Algeria aims to ensure the launch of 5G mobile networks soon to attract foreign mobile network operators (MNOs).